So glad you are interested in improving the way you feel !
Healthy habits through lifestyle changes takes commitment to yourself. When you have the accountability to the right person who wants to see you succeed, you find the path to wellness is attainable and rewarding -
Along with a rooted background in physical movement health, Equilibrium is focused, well researched and educated in food health and positive mental stability. The benefits of letting food nurture the body and positive and realistic mental support is the full circle in wellness coaching.
Body , mind and soul; we often forget they all work together for our greater good , or our worst.
Meal planning and meal prep can be daunting when you look at budget, timing and food choices. Incorporating physical activity and eating to fuel the body moves well together when you pay attention to what your body needs . Releasing mental blocks that prohibit your growth opens windows to the soul and mind that truly is a gift of freedom.