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Weight loss injections; Supporting the journey for long-term health


For a few years, the only weight loss injection I knew about was #lipotropic . Lipotropic injections are used to help boost metabolism, thus helping bodies by losing weight and promoting the build of muscle. Many of us have heard in the circles around us or from our doctors directly, there are so many other weight loss injections that have hit the market and have taken off with glorious results!

I have personally seen so many winning stories come from the testimony of the women I see in my practice, but there is still the mystery of how it actually works, what is best for each person, and how to sustain the effects while moving through the medical assisted weightloss journey.

Again from personal experience, the women I see all have come because of fluid retention and a plateau effect of not being able to move past a point of their body working for them.

Over the past two years with noted

documentation on my end, researching

a myriad of PubMed articles and asking prescribing doctors around me; the number one complaint to these injections is lack of fluid movement in the bodily systems. The stagnant body presents with fluid retention and puffiness due to the lymphatic system being clogged. The rapid lipid breakdown and G.I. issues that can ebb and flow from constipation to diarrhea are the bodies signals that the lymphatic system is not functioning properly.

The lymphatic system works solely on manual pressure to be able to alleviate lymphatic fluid. Lymph Cells are responsible for ‘eating’ toxins and broken down lipids (basically liquid fats and cholesterol) with the intention of distributing it through the body, ultimately to have it expelled.

When the body does not get this attention, many unpleasant and often risky issues evolve.

-Scroll to the heading -

Lymphatic Vascular System (

Hormonal cornerstones and fluctuations can have an impact on this journey. It is important to know where you are and be realistic. Try to keep in mind the hormonal changes of life, so you are not working against yourself, but with your natural flow.

Findings show that women who stop injections (for any reason)tend to put on weight quickly after stopping. This weight increase is due to the metabolism slowing down because of the reliance of the injections to increase metabolism and decrease the sense of fullness.

When patients were given a clear support plan with functional movement involvement prior to or during the injection journey, the positive outcomes lasted. The lifestyle change had become a habit and the body had a healthy cornerstone to thrive.

The research counters that the women who did not have support, ended up physically AND emotionally defeated.

Most women were given these injections via their Primary Care Dr or Weight Loss Clinics who offered them a dietary pyramid to follow, the encouragement to engage in physical activity, but no other real means of support.

Consequently, in no fault of their own, this is where the ‘defeat’ feeling is fostered.


Injection patients started coming in feeling defeated, they wanted to reach their goals, but were frustrated by the lack of forward motion.

Despite trying to change their lifestyle habits on a small or large scale, every single one of them presented with a very sludgy system that was not eliminating correctly.

🪷Women who had liposuction as a part of plastic surgery and were having injections, had a higher rate of being able to drop the weight and the fluid retention because excess fat tissue was already taken away. These patients had already started on #LymphaticDrainage support Post Surgery. Their injection journey needed more functional body movement and infrared treatment to aid in their journey.

🪷Women who did not have liposuction and were trying to lose 20 pounds or more, consistently presented with a system that was not working for them.

These women needed, a minimum of 6 to 10 lymphatic procedures utilizing the methods of #cavitation, #radiofrequency (RF), #ManualLymphaticDrainage (MLD), #VibrationBoard, #InfraredSauna and #FunctionalMovement support to fully flush what their body was retaining.

Most women started seeing the results they wanted in their chin and neck after having MLD and RF treatments, within 2 sessions and started seeing the body shape that they wanted as each treatment session went on.

I know that list sounds like a lot of support needed and 100% YES! There has to be a follow up support when using these injections because each taper up presents its own new workings in the body.


I can speak on my practice, as I know how care is given by the Equilibrium standard.

Anyone who has honored me with their presence knows that when our treatment door closes everything is about THEM. Every journey is approached emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Not everyone wants to unroot everything and that is perfectly fine, but we do always touch base on this trifecta, every session, as it all matters in the healing journey.

These are called procedures as clinically that is what they are, to the women I see, they are embracing, supportive and relaxing to the body and mind.

These procedures are 90 minutes, gentle and effective!! The functional movement is designed uniquely to each persons mobility and background in physical engagement.

There is ZERO downtime, ZERO pain and best of all 100% body and mind confidence building🙌🏼

There is commitment involved - if you choose to use these techniques to support, they need to be done weekly, in office AND daily at home with the homework, (which is minimal) to support and create the healthy habits to maintain your positive upward movement. Plateaus are reached and broken through being committed to yourself and the time you devout to your journey.

✨You can read about cavitation in the other methods of treatment in prior blogs if you are interested✨


As ever, do your research make a budget and carve out time for you while you set your goals and meet them.

Women who start these supportive procedures right before starting injections or in the early stages of their injections, see the results they want concurrent with the timeframe they have realistically set with themselves and their prescribing physicians.

I do not post pictures of before and after for a lot of different reasons so you will not see a gallery of women’s bodies because a picture never does it justice, but the research and proven results speak volumes💜

I look forward to meeting you where you are in this journey and encourage all of you to find the right support that you need.

Huge warm spirit hugs, and high fives for taking care of YOU🦋

✨✨✨ if you have not read up on injections and the differences between them, I encourage you to read the next blog which gently details each injection and how they work always DO YOUR RESEARCH and follow up with a physician, who listens, to find what works best for you!


*Notes covered by HIPPA - patient files noted by private physicians ( (



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