The Uninvited Emotional Guest -
#Stress is a normal part of life, and it can affect how we behave and feel. However, we have the power to learn techniques that help us manage stress and regulate our behavior in a healthier way. In this post, we will explore the connection between our behavior and stress, and discover how we can learn to control our actions when we're feeling stressed.
Personally; surfing, skating, running and yoga were my go to actions to just shake it off. Life is different now, I slowly lost the availability of these key emotional shifters. I had to re-examine my anxiety and my place in this new life season. Sometimes just turning up my music and letting the windows be all the way down, carving a few hours out for a friend date, working out for 20/30 minutes will release my clenched jaw and lighten up my whole person. For most of us, it takes real effort to climb out or never step into the stress storm and it's effects.
So.... let's take a real look at stress and aim to change our approach!
Understanding #BehavioralResponses to Stress-
When confronted with stress, our bodies and minds react in intricate ways. Physiologically, stress triggers the release of stress hormones like #cortisol and adrenaline, leading to increased heart rate, heightened alertness, and other physical changes. Behaviorally, stress responses can manifest in different ways, including increased irritability, avoidance, emotional outbursts, or even withdrawal from social interactions. Recognizing these behavioral stress responses is the first step towards understanding how stress affects our lives and identifying areas where behavioral regulation is needed. Cortisol unchecked can lead to a myriad of health issues - Stress is not just an emotional response it is physiological. Heart palpitations, high blood pressure, gut imbalance and low immune responses are just a few health related issues that holds the hand of stress in our bodies .
#Self-Awareness - Recognizing the Funk -
Self-awareness is a fundamental aspect of learning behavioral regulation. It involves consciously observing and acknowledging our thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns. By cultivating self-awareness, we can recognize the triggers that contribute to stress and understand how our behavior manifests during these times. Through reflection and introspection, we gain insight into the ways in which our responses may be unproductive or maladaptive. This self-awareness forms the foundation for learning and implementing effective behavioral regulation.
Know Thyself -
Coping mechanisms are essential tools for managing stress and regulating behavior. These mechanisms are individual and can vary from person to person. Effective coping strategies can include techniques such as taking 10 seconds to allow a deep breath pattern, mindfulness meditation/or thought shift, engaging in physical activity, journaling, or seeking social support. By exploring different coping mechanisms, individuals can identify strategies that resonate with them and integrate them into their daily routines. Regular practice of these techniques enhances resilience, reduces the impact of stress, and promotes healthier behavioral responses.
All of this is easier to read than to put into practice if there has been no groundwork to create this for yourself.
Speak Your Truth - it can set you free! -
Learning to regulate our behavior can be challenging, and it's okay to ask for help. Mental health professionals, like therapists or counselors, are trained to guide us through this process. They can help us understand the underlying causes of our stress and provide personalized strategies for managing it. Seeking professional guidance can be a valuable resource in our journey towards healthier behavior.
Embracing a #PositiveMindset -
Learning to regulate our behavior takes time and effort. It's important to have a positive mindset and believe in our ability to change. We need to understand that setbacks and challenges are a normal part of the process. By approaching this journey with a positive attitude, we can overcome obstacles, make adjustments when necessary, and continue to grow and improve. Find a mantra - I have a few ; Be Humble Don't Grumble , I have a song in my heart and joy in soul , Fear is a Mindkiller ... Find a few for yourself - write them down , place them is your thought process until they flow out of you on demand!
With continued work for yourself, patience and #positivemindset the responses to our uninvited guest can shift . We can’t just take all stress out of our lives, but learning to tame the chaos within ourselves proves to create a calmer spirit.
Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, appraisal, and coping. Springer Publishing Company
Meditation at the Mat
STRESS AND HEALTH: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants
Neil Schneiderman, Gail Ironson, and Scott D. Siegel